Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I still pick out Amelia and Luke's outfit everyday.  This is not a fight at all, it is actually quite necessary because otherwise they both might go to school naked.  That is how much they care or notice what they wear each day.  In fact, both of them have come downstairs in the middle of winter bare foot and start to put on their shoes.  If I ask, "where are your socks?" they will both immediately answer, "You forgot to put them out."  Sigh.  I hope I have never forgot to put their underwear out but who knows?   Then there is Addison...my little one who wants to do everything herself.  She headed upstairs by herself and 10 minutes later she came down like this (everything but the bow in her hair).  "Guess what mommy, I got dressed by myself!"  She even picked this out of her closet herself.  I was so proud of her (although her underwear somehow had the waist band around the legs and legs around the waist) but then I realized.  Uh oh, this might be the one whom actually has an opinion on her wardrobe.  

Happy Valentines Day!  Pink heart pancakes and strawberries:)  I actually am a good mom, once in awhile;)

After a couple years of retirement, Luke asked to play flag football again.  Although I am just looking at his shirt now and it sure doesn't say "Flag Football" does it?  Hmm...anyway he is the running back on his team, The Ravens, and he has so far scored all of the touchdowns for his team.  This is impressive and he is fast but this is pretty relaxed football and at any given time, half of the team members have wondered off the field due to chasing a bird, a bug, a kiss from mom, etc.  I love watching him spin around and score though, so cute! 

I have taken to calling Luke Rocky because he has ANOTHER black eye.  This one from FLAG football.  Go figure, a head to the face...ouch.  He does look super tough though.

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