Thursday, May 17, 2012


It was a perfect day,Monday, for our favorite after school activity...the boat!  Amelia got off the bus at 2:45, and we were on the boat at 2:50 heading to the island for a cookout.  I loved this picture of "the men" hauling our coolers from our house across the street to our neighbors dock, where out boat was happily waiting for us.  

My girls.

These are the days right?  These are our memories, these moments with our kids.  It's really just the everyday togetherness and fun moments that I need to cherish forever in my heart because the days and years seem to be flying by at warp speed.  So I am really going to try and soak up all these moments, watching all three of them roll and jump in the waves, just being little bitty kids cuz before long, they will be big kids, and then big kids in adult bodies and then adults; and then I am sure I will really wonder where the time went.  That's our job as parents though, raise them up, hug them until they can't breathe,  tell them we love them constantly, pray over them, and then hope they can look back at their childhood and say, "That was so awesome!"



Addison doing her beach boogie.  Totally awesome.

Love this one of Luke going all gangsta' on us.

Daddy cooked us hot dogs on the grill for dinner.

Picnic dinner on the boat.

Roasting marshmallows for dessert.  Not bad for a Monday after school.  

This girl just cracks me up.  She just rocks.

1 comment:

Chris and Sonya said...

Beautiful family, Jenni. Your kids are so blessed to have you and Stephen as parents.