Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Greece is the Word

Amelia's Connections class (her gifted/talented class) has been studying Greece.  They learned about every aspect of ancient Greece...including the ancient gods and goddesses.  Here they are acting out a musical called Greece is the Word.  

The grand finale!  Each child chose a god or goddess to portray and researched and wrote a speech about that goddess.  Amelia chose Athena and delivered her memorized speech perfectly!  Way to go Mimi!

What a good big sister.

Mim's and Grandpa got to explore the Greek museum,that the children designed and decorated, together.

Throughout this study the children made ancient Greek artifacts like shields, Olympic torches and discs, Trojan horses, the Parthenon, etc.  So blessed to have this special program for Amelia, her favorite day of the week is Connections Day!

Look at the girly Trojan horse.

Amelia and Ms. Flowers, her awesome Connections teacher.  Love, love, love.

1 comment:

Chris and Sonya said...

Amelia is all ready for the toga parties at Theta Chi!!