Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Schools Out for the Summer!

Woo Hoo!  Last day of school for Amelia and best friend Mckenzie, such sweet friends.  Amelia has been out of school for a week now and Luke about a week and a half.  We have kept busy at the pool, on the boat and playing tennis.  I LOVE SUMMER VACATION!!!!!!

Amelia's second grade teacher at Oak Park, Mrs. Latil.  Boy did we get lucky when Amelia switched schools, she was so warm and welcoming to Amelia.  Amelia came running off the bus her last day of school shouting, "Mom, mom I graduated to third grade!"  And Luke is proud to tell everyone he is now a Kindergartner, oh boy where has the time gone?  Am I seriously going to have an eight year old and a six year old?  (No, I haven't forgotten about my little one but I've decided she is going to stay two forever or I just can't bear it).

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