Sunday, April 11, 2010

Easter Celebration

Easter morning, up bright and early to see if the Easter Bunny came!
Every Easter morning it's the same shot of Amelia holding an Easter basket with rollers in her hair.
Amelia reading Addison a new book the Easter bunny brought her.

Addison was excited about all the eggs she found :)

All ready for church to celebrate our Savior rising. Luke and Amelia were running around the house shouting "Jesus is alive, Jesus is alive!"
Easter dinner at the Countryman's. God Bless Vickie and David who have four grown children of their own, all out of the house. They invited us, the Ethridges and the Grahams over for Easter dinner, that meant 10 children under 7 years old. Sillyness was had by all. Happy Easter!

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