Monday, January 18, 2010

Waiting game...

Well, the Air Force has thrown us for a loop again. We were supposed to leave for vacation on Friday but instead, Stephen was put on orders to deploy to Haiti to help with the recovery from the earthquake. We are in the typical "hurry up and wait" cycle right now. Bags are packed by the door, waiting for the call. Our days have been a roller coaster of emotions and unknowns, but we are just trying to spend as much snuggle time together as a family as we can. This is especially difficult because Stephen is already deploying in June for the war so it kind of feels like a double whammy to our family. We welcome your prayers, the more the better :)
Amelia and Luke had lots of fun building a fort today, of course complete with a cannon on top.

No parents allowed.
It was a beautiful day so we thought we would head to the beach for some kite flying and sand castle building.
Hang on Mimi!
Addison taking a walk with Daddy.

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