Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!

This giant bumper ball was the big winner of Santa gifts this year. It made mom and dad happy too because Amelia and Luke spent hours everyday of Christmas vacation playing outside with it. It is pretty fun to roll the kids around in it and they have even rolled mommy in it too!
Sweet Addison Kate is 11 months old now. She is really moving around the house and hard to keep up with. She crawls but she also walks all around the house holding on to walls, toys, cupboards or anything else that will help her keep her balance. She is standing on her own for 5 seconds or so at a time so I think she will be walking any day. She laughs and smiles all the time, loves to play peekaboo but watch out, she will yell loudly while glaring if she disagrees with a situation. She usually does this if I take something away from her or if I am not getting her food fast enough, little Diva in training, Miss Addison Kate.

We have also had a lot of fun with one of my Christmas presents, my fondue pot. We had a blast dipping, pound cake, marshmallows and strawberries into chocolate. Yummy! Luke looked like he had dipped his whole self into a vat of chocolate by the time we were done, thank goodness for Oxiclean. I think Amelia ate a whole bag of marshmallows but hey, it was a great night. Luke said, " I love this fundip stuff." He kept calling the fondue, fundip. Close enough and very true!

Happy New Year kiddie style. The kids and I went to the Patino's house for New Years and it was a wild and crazy time! There were 13 kids under seven years old and some crazy mom (me) decided to buy them all horns and hats! It was loud until we sent them all upstairs and then the moms got some quiet time too. Here are the kids after our countdown and toast with sparkling juice at 7pm, Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!! Luke was in the corner sucking down as much juice as he could, probably straight out of the bottle and shoving as many desserts in his mouth as he could before I found him.
The moms wild New Year, all our hubbies were working in the ER that night so we got to party with the kids. Katie, Andrea and I with our littlest ones.

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