Monday, August 17, 2009

Bad blogger, bad blogger, bad blogger

I have been a bad, bad blogger, only one post in all of August, disgusting. I am so sorry to all my faithful readers, that would be you Dad and you Barbara. Although we have done many fun blog-worthy things in August, I have failed to bring my camera. So let me fill you in, took the kids to a decorate your own cupcake place that opened here in Ocean Springs. Ridiculously cute, ridiculously priced cupcakes but pretty yummy. Luke decorated his cupcake with the candy Shockers, ugg, they are as gross as they sound. Shockers and licorice, so totally nasty. Amelia also choose licorice and I think Hersey bars. I had a wonderful lemon berry cupcake with fresh berries on top, I thought it was the healthy choice of cupcakes. Granted it had three inches of icing and stuffed with icing but whatever. Next thing I missed, took Luke to the water park and he had FUN, FUN, FUN! He loved going down the slides by himself and came up laughing and sputtering every time. After about two hours he was worn out and ready to go home, perfect because right then a thunderstorm hit and we got rain checks so two free tickets, bonus.
Okay, above is Amelia and Addison before Amelia left for school. She loves holding Addison before she leaves for school.Lukey and Amelia now have a few chores around the house. One of them is to make their bed each morning. This is Lukey's bed, yes this is after he made it. He is so proud of himself. It takes all my might and will not to remake it every day but I don't want to crush his little spirit. Funny enough he is holding up the "I love you" sign to me for the picture. Good to know because he wasn't so in to mommy yesterday. Amelia and Luke had been fighting like cats and dogs so I put them each in the corner in the family room to take a little break. Addison was playing in the middle of them. Amelia laid down and was quiet, Luke was rolling around the floor, screaming and crying. Addison kept looking over at him and squealing and laughing thinking it was a game he was playing. So I couldn't help it and I started laughing at the whole situation, Luke screamed even louder and shouted, "You are so mean!" I have never been called mean by my children before. I just looked at him in shock. I mean it is a "first" but not really baby book worthy so I thought I would post it here instead. Amelia has not even called me mean yet, she has thought it I am sure by the major eye rolling going on these days with that girl but she has never said it. I would have felt crushed and ran over and hugged him but about 10 seconds later, mid-scream he rolled over onto some random stick on the floor and stopped crying and said, "Hmmm, that is strange, where did this come from?" as he picked up the stick. Such drama for such a little boy.

Addison Kate hanging out in Luke's room.

Luke received some hand-me down boots from a church friend and he thinks they are AWESOME! And why not wear them with shorts and a Cubs jersey?

Ahh, another milestone, off with the training wheels. Anyone that knows Amelia would understand what an undertaking this is. Amelia believes in baby steps, very small baby steps. Poor Stephen has been running up and down our street with her for days now. Amelia is as happy as can be and tells everyone she has her training wheels off, although she makes her Dad promise every time that he won't let go. She is kind of missing the point of taking the training wheels off.
Bonfire on the beach, the kids all made this couch out of sand. Amelia and Luke are both in the back, Amelia in orange and Luke has sunglasses on.

Addison hanging out at the bonfire. Although no smores for her yet. She did eat a few cupfuls of sand though. Did you know sand comes out in the diaper the next day? Gross.

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