Thursday, May 9, 2019

Tennis Banquet

After such a great season of Greyhound tennis, it was time to celebrate the coaches and players at the tennis banquet.  

A few of the players got called up by the coaches to receive awards.
Amelia was one of them!
She received the Sportsmanship Award. 
Amelia moved up to Varsity this year and she worked so hard to get there.
While giving her the award, they said the nicest things about Amelia.
They said, "Amelia played EVERY position this year, from girls doubles, girls singles to mixed doubles.   And often she played the other team's hardest player and she never complained no matter where we put her.  She always worked hard and improved so much this year.  She was always a good sport and always doing what they asked. If this is what our future of greyhound tennis is, we are in good hands."  
That brought tears to my eyes. So sweet to have Amelia recognized for all her hard work.

We are SO proud of you Amelia!

Amelia and Luke with Coach Natalie. 
The coaches also talked about the JV team and really raved about how well they did.  Both coaches separately brought up Luke Boskovich and how he stepped up whenever they needed him at Varsity and how he beat number one Varsity players.  
Way to go Lukey!

Our mighty 7th grade Greyhound Tennis players!

Tennis love!

And when your Daddy has to miss the banquet because of work, you bring the banquet to work for him :)  

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