Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Field Day

To wrap up the school year we went to cheer on Addison at 4th Grade field day.
Addison absolutely loved Ms. Alfonso as her 4th grade teacher!
We were so very lucky to have such a passionate and wonderful teacher for Addison.

This is Addison with one of her classmates that Addison chose to hold the flag at field day.
Addison was chosen by the music teachers at her school to sing The National Anthem at field day!
This was of course an incredible honor.  
There are over 450 students in the fourth grade and they picked little Miss Addison so we could not have been more proud of her!  

Did I mention she would have to sing it acapella?  Into a megaphone???
Holy smokes.  
I do not know where Addison gets her confidence or her beautiful voice (well that is actually from Stephen) but she nailed it.  
I mean, never in a million years would I have been able to do this as a kid, or even as an adult.
All the students, teachers, administration, parents etc and she just marched up there and sang it!
Way to go Addison!
You inspire me with your bravery!

Let the fun begin!  I did not get many pictures because I was too busy helping coach the Ms. Alfonso girls team to victory!  I was probably a teensy bit intense but we got a bunch of first places.  Yay!
Addison also made it through multiple rounds of prelims of all the 4th grade girls to be in the final six girls of the 50 meter dash.  I was at the finish line taking pictures but it was such a close finish they did not announce the winners.  We think she got third  based on where we were standing and Stephen and I were more happy with that result than Addison.  Ha!  Hmm, I do know where she gets her competitive gene from.  
The above picture is actually her running in the mixed relay, they pick the two fastest boys and two fastest girls from each class.  
She is teeny but she is FAST!!

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