Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas!

Christmas morning!
Santa came!!!

We set up the timer to get a family shot and every time Wrigley just sat and stared at us. 
He would not move!

I had to scoop him up to get him out of the way!

Here is Wrigley again, trying to figure out what the kids were doing...they were looking for the hidden pickle ornament to determine who gets to open the first gift!

New shades :) 

Harry Potter hat for Addison, she was in Harry Potter heaven this Christmas!

Fuzzy pillows for her bed.

Luke loved his Bears lunchbox.
Stephen on the other hand was contemplating hours more of present opening, ha!

Santa brought Amelia a new bedding set!

Addison said, "Santa sure knows I am all about unicorns and Harry Potter this Christmas!"

New fuzzy boots, again...Santa sure hopes Amelia's feet have stopped growing now, those boots are a 9.5 and the elves don't make them any bigger :) 

After a super fun morning of opening all the Santa gifts, it was time for brunch! Yummy!
Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!  2 Cor. 9:15

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