Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Our crazy lives...

The girls recently got their hair cut, and a lot of it!  This is the before picture.  I forgot to take the after picture, mommy fail.  I always have the best intentions though.  Amelia got at least 7 inches off, it is just below her shoulders now.  Addison got about 4 inches cut off.

Luke imagined, designed and built this board game in his Connections class with a few of his friends.  The game was so popular among his classmates, they were voted #1 game!  They named it Flick Field Academy and the idea was to flick a ping pong ball from the 50 yard line and land it in the egg carton which were labeled with different points.  They had other little rules and tricks but it was really fun.  Proud of him!

Amelia recently had another band concert and she tooted that trumpet like a champ!  We are proud of her 2nd chair trumpet!!  Woo Hoo Amelia!

Luke recently played another tennis tournament and we continue to be impressed with his improvement and his blinding outfit choices.

Addison continues to crack us up with her antics (look at that dirty face).  This girl knows how to have a good time!
She also pretty regularly cracks herself up!

Stephen and I set up a big scavenger hunt for the kids to find out about our EPIC family vacation this summer.  Two weeks including stops at Vegas, hiking the Grand Canyon, hiking Zion National Park and the emerald pools in Utah and hanging in Colorado.  Followed by another amazing week at Younglife Family Camp, TRAIL WEST!!!  
The kids nearly flipped their lid when they found out.  So, so, so fun telling them.  

Addison and buddies ready to sing in the children's choir at church.  

Me finding out my 10 year old has the same size feet as me!  

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