Saturday, April 16, 2016


Luke recently had his 4th Grade Musical, "Mississippi My Home" and he was adorable as an explorer.

The musical highlights all of the people, places and resources that make Mississippi unique.  So the kids were dressed up as gospel singers, Native Americans, Blues singers, etc.  Very cute.

Luke had a highlight role as an explorer where he had to sing and dance.  He did perfect although Stephen did comment that Luke looked like he rather be getting a colonoscopy than performing his part. 

He nailed his speaking part as well.  Proud of you Lukey!

I volunteered to help Luke's class construct and launch rockets, I know... what was I thinking.  Rockets and a bunch of overly excited 4th graders!!  Yikes.  But it was fun and all of the rockets I launched were successful!  Phew.  
This is Luke preparing to launch his rocket.  

After we gave the kids the all clear, they were able to run after and retrieve their rocket post launch.  Luke found his and and was very happy!
Luke and I (and 100 of his 4th grade classmates) recently headed to Jackson, MS for the 4th grade class trip.  This was a big trip, we left school at 5:30am and we didn't return until 10pm!  I was one tired momma.  We toured the capitol and met our state representative and reviewed all of the different parts of government that they had been learning in Social Studies. 

We then continued the field trip by visiting 4 museums!!  This is at the Children's Museum where Luke decided to be a tortoise.  

This was at the Mississippi Hall of Fame Museum which Luke loved!  Lots of interactive sports games (this was electronic dodge ball) and sports memorabilia and history.  

He wanted a picture by Walter Payton's locker, not Favre's locker.  Boo.

This giant rocker was at the Agricultural Museum.  
This was at the Natural Science Museum.   
Luke had a great time and I enjoyed spending a whole day with just him.  He and I were exhausted on the bus ride back but it was worth it.


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