Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas 2015

Merry Christmas from the Boskovich Family!
This is very, very early morning after Santa has come for a visit but before the kiddos were awake.  
The calm before the storm if you will.    

The kids were still a bit bleary eyed because it was early but they were ready to open presents!  Well, Luke was ready and he dragged his sisters out of bed.  Luke is ALWAYS the first one awake.   
Addison maybe was just a teeny tiny bit threatened during December with Santa not bringing her anything for Christmas because of naughty behavior (ie EVERY SINGLE DAY).
So as I was video recording them on Christmas morning Addison looked right at me and said, "See Mom!  You said I would be on the naughty list but I'm not!  Look at all the Addison presents!  I was worried when I rounded the corner but then I saw all those presents and I knew they couldn't just be for Amelia!"

Amelia got A LOT of books!  Her absolute favorite thing.  She was so excited!

Addison requested three things from Santa this year:
1. Books
2.  Legos
        3.  Science kit 
The only problem occurs that once Addison opens up a new book- the above is what happens.  She becomes completely engrossed in whatever book she is reading.  See the above picture...

Still reading...

What?? Does this not scream Christmas morning to you?  This is what Christmas morning is if you are a 10 year old boy in Mississippi.  Sigh.  
Luke was thrilled.  However, I have very few pictures of him after this present opening because he held the gun and wore the mask the rest of the morning.  Maybe it's not called a mask?  A helmet, maybe?  
I don't know but watch out squirrels on Lovers Lane.

My Christmas morning with my loves. 
Luke armed and dangerous.
Addison, still reading.
Amelia is tidying up the family room.
And Stephen is taking the pictures!

Look who we got to finally open another present?   Look at that stack of books behind her.  

And then she went right back to reading.

Luke put this together on Christmas Day!  He is really amazing with Legos.  

This is the coolest tree swing.  You ride it like a surf board and it swings side to side.  We ALL love it!  I will try to post some pictures of us on it.  

Christmas Joy!

And then we moved on to the living room where all of the family presents have been accumulating.  Thank you to all of our Aunts and Uncles and Cousins and Grandparents and Friends that spoil us rotten.  We miss you all!

Just plain old silliness.  
Merry Christmas!

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