Thursday, May 16, 2013

Run Forest Run!

Stephen has gotten really into running during this past year.  He is so thankful to have his health back and he feels so great that he does not want to take it for granted.  He decided to do a 5K a couple of weeks ago and he won first place!  I was supportive to the extent of, "great job honey...see you on the tennis court."  BUT THEN...

These are my friends-they are runners.  And by runners, I mean RUNNERS!  They compete in triathlons, marathons, 5Ks, 10Ks regularly.  I have managed to stay friends with them despite their insanity.  The most running I do is just enough to get to a tennis ball.  Generally, they leave me alone and don't peer pressure me to run with them.  But last week, Wednesday, my friend Jenny texted me "Derek and I are going to do a 5K Friday night and then get some beers."  I texted her back, "Sounds great except for the run part."  So on Friday night I find myself with all of my crazy friends, who medal at these type of events, about to run 3 miles in the pouring rain and wind.  

This one, this is the one who keeps getting me involved in these crazy things.   
J Bo and J Go
(Jenni BOskovich and Jenny GOrdan

After the race...of course my husband and friends were done long before me but they came back and found me on the course and ran with me to the finish.  I ran the race in under 30 minutes which was the goal I gave myself in order to not totally embarrass myself.

Finally, the beer!  The things I will do for free beer.

Steve placed 2nd in his age division, right behind our friend, Mark Roberts.  I was super irritated that the race didn't give out medals for my 105th place.

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