Saturday, May 25, 2013

Fourth Grade Wrap Up

The end of the year is filled with parties, field days, picnics, reward days and basically, fun, fun, fun! 
Amelia and her buds at field day.

New version of the three-legged race...the balance the frisbee while your wrists are tied together race?

Go Mimi Go!

Amelia also had her fourth grade awards ceremony and it's moments like this one that you get to see your child how others see your child. Amelia is such a special kid and we are so proud of her every day.  However, it is spectacular when she gets recognition for wonderfulness.  
I chose not to put pictures like this on social media sites for all sorts of reasons...mostly it seems braggy and I would not want anyone to feel bad that has a kid that struggles in school and does not have this kind of day.  However, my blog is just that, my blog.  So let the bragging commence!  Amelia received a crazy amount of rewards for academic achievement, including highest honors for science, math and social studies.  So proud of our baby, who takes it all in stride.

Amelia with her 4th grade teachers Ms. Cooper and Ms. Rice.  I was happy to see Amelia up there getting so many awards but I was equally happy to see all of her close friends receiving awards too.  As we shuttle these little humans through this scary world, part of our job is teaching them to make good choices.  Amelia has so far done a great job on choosing great, sweet friends that are on the same path she is.  I hope she continues on this path for years to come.  Way to go Amelia Grace!

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