Saturday, September 4, 2010

Just cute. And ouch.

Warning, these are some super cute pictures of the kids.  I know I am biased but seriously.  C-U-T-E !

Once in awhile we can still get this love from Amelia and Luke.  Luke is still all for it, Amelia is more reluctant these days to show affection for her brother.
Cute Luke, this was the one pose and then he was done.  No more mom.

All three of my lovies, this picture makes me smile every time I look at it.

Amelia all curled up for school pictures, sorry we didn't order any but you can order this shot!  

Ouch.  Jellyfish-1   Luke-0
Poor Luke, I can still barely look at this.  Last weekend we were playing at East Beach with some friends when all of a sudden the kids ran screaming from the water.  Amelia and Luke and two of their friends were stung by a jellyfish.  Luke took the brunt of it.  Their screams were nearly unbearable, it was scary and horrible but all is healed and well now.  We now know the cure is wet mucky sand to scrape it off and then immediately vinegar to take away the burn and sting.  Of course Dr. Daddy was at work when it happened but he met us at the beach after a very frantic mommy called the ER and said the kids were stung by a stingray!  As he got to the beach I realized my mistake, "Oops, I meant jellyfish."  

That was probably traumatizing just to read, here are some lighter moments of late:
Addison was sleeping in her crib and during the middle of her nap I heard her on her monitor saying, "Hi Elmo! Hi!"  Then nothing, she slept another 1/2 hour.  She must have been having a very vivid dream of Elmo.
Amelia asked me the other day while getting ready for school, "Mom, what is the age of half way to grown up?"  I told her that is tricky because sometimes I don't even feel grown up yet but I told her she still had a lot of little girl left in her.  Also Amelia, as she was getting dressed to go to a birthday party (with mostly boys mind you) yelled to me, "Mom, do I need to wear underwear to this party?"  My answer, "Yes, the answer is always yes to that question.  Always, always, yes!"
Luke was taking FOREVER to eat dinner as is his norm and the family was all waiting to go for a walk.  I already had the food put away, the kitchen cleaned and still Luke sat there, staring at his chicken.  Finally exasperated I told Luke, "Hurry up or we are going to just leave you here."  Luke looked at me calmly and said, "Mom, only a really mean mom would leave their son at home and besides you have a whole bunch of daughters but I am your only son."  Touche!

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