Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Children's House Birthday Celebration

Luke started a new preschool this year. The Children's House is a Montessori school and it has been just wonderful. When a child has a birthday the school gives the child a birthday celebration. It is a very special day for the child and goes beyond just bringing some cupcakes to school. They celebrate each year of the child's life with pictures and mementos. Each year is then reflected by the child walking the earth around the sun (a candle). It was very emotional to watch Luke in his celebration and how big he has gotten. The picture above is Luke and Miss Mary Ann holding up the outfit Luke wore home from the hospital at two days old. So hard to believe he ever fit into it.
Luke showing his friends a picture of himself from his first birthday. He was so proud showing all of his friends his items. The children are so attentive at the celebration too, it was amazing.

This is a picture of Luke walking the earth around the sun, symbolizing one year of his life. The children sing a very cute song about it as he walks. All the items on the carpet are things from Luke's life.
Luke passing out his cupcakes to his friends. Luke decorated the cupcakes with green and blue frosting, (the color of his two favorite Star Wars character's light sabers). He also stuck four M&M's in each cupcake. The school is very into independence and allow the children to do everything on their own, if they are able. I, of course was having a heart attack watching them hand Luke a tray of cupcakes. I was thinking, do you know how long it took me to make and decorate 48 cupcakes?????? Needless to say, he did great. On the child's celebration day, they get to pick the other children they would like to have help them pass our their snack. Luke picked his crush Anna. They sit together nearly everyday and chase each other on the playground, his teacher has said she has seen their blossoming romance. Although, he must like older women, Anna is a kindergartner.

Little Miss Addison Kate. Isn't she adorable?? Thank goodness, because between her teeth coming in and an ongoing cold, she has been a little crank butt.
Amelia had a special week at school too. She was named Student of the Week. We were very proud of her. She had to fill out a special "All about me" poster that is hung in the hallway. Typical stuff, name, age, favorite color, best friends, etc. There was also a section about what you want to be when you grow up. Amelia said she didn't know, fair enough I guess, she's only six. So I said, "Well you could be a doctor, a nurse, teacher, tennis player, librarian, a mommy, etc." She thought for awhile and then she said, "Umm, no, I want to be a dancer." A dancer? I am hoping she means the ballet kind and not the "pole" kind. Reminds me of my sister, Traci, always wanted to be a 'solid gold dancer.' Maybe you can show Amelia your moves Trace!

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