Monday, September 28, 2009

Addison is 8 months old!

It's hard to believe but Addison turned eight months old on Saturday. She can sure win us over with that smile but she is a little princess. She definitely lets us know when she is not happy and she sees no reason why either mommy, daddy, Amelia or Luke should not be playing with her at all times.
Addison chatters all the time now. She says ma,ma,ma,ma,ma and dadeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and some version of ouuuut. It sounds like out but we are not sure what that is referring to yet. Soon enough she will start to put her chattering together with her first words. She is trying to crawl, she kind of does a modified army crawl but she isn't getting anywhere fast yet which is fine by me. I still haven't figured out how I am going to keep her away from 200 little star wars guns and light sabers and minuscule Lego pieces.

1 comment:

Kristen K said...

Sooo cute!! She looks like such a big girl in the first pic, it's the first time I saw a glimpse of non-babyness in her!