Thursday, November 5, 2020

Team FILA!

Some exciting things did happen in 2020!
FILApickleball gave me a sponsorship!
It is mind boggling, flattering and funny to me that this 44 year old mom of three kids has a pickleball sponsorship but I LOVE it!!
So FILApickleball provides me with all sorts of amazing apparel, shoes and gear and I tell them how much I love it :)  

FILA then posts me on their social media pages :)  
Fun, fun, fun!
There I am, in the blue dress!  The other girl on their page is Lucy Kovalova, the number 2 player in the world!  And then me!!!  

And every time a new bag of gear shows up at the house, I jump up and down like a kid on Christmas morning! 

Love being on TEAM FILA and representing such an amazing brand that I already loved, playing a sport I love so much!

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