Tuesday, October 28, 2014

State Fair

Stephen took the kiddos to the Jackson County State Fair after school.  Stephen had the goal of taking all of the kids on the tilt a whirl.  He politely asked me to stay home knowing I may have a slight issue with rides that come out of the back of a truck.  His exact words may have been, "I think we will have more fun without you."  Whatever, safety can be fun!  

Amelia getting kissed by a pig.  Did she use hand sanitizer after this event?  I don't know because I was asked to not attend.  So if she ate pig snot with her chicken tenders, it is not on me.

The kids all loved the "Fun Slide."  Stephen even got them all to ride the tilt a whirl, even Amelia!  Although it took two chances and Stephen making himself nauseous in the process.  

And then there is this...SIGH. 

 I received this text while they were on the way home, "Don't be mad."  I was thinking they were going to bring home a stuffed animal the size of Stephen and as I tried to figure out where said stuffed animal would live, they pulled up.  "WE WON FISH!!"
Backstory: Addison pleaded and begged for a fish for her birthday last year.  She received one.  Every mother knows the end of this story.  I have been taking care of birthday fish ever since.  "Did anyone feed the fish?"  Always met with a resounding, "NO!"  Who cleans out the nasty, cloudy, disgusting bowl?  Mommy.
So, to add to the fish and two dogs that I already care for and do not particularly enjoy.  And the three kids I care for that I periodically enjoy (kidding).  They are nonstop little joy balls.  Three more fish, each with their own individual bowl to clean.  Yay.  This confirms my stance on state fairs.

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