Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Adderley Family Visit

 My friend, Sheryl, and her family came to visit us!  They did a road trip from Minnesota, very brave!!  Sheryl was my sorority sister and roommate in college so we were very excited to get to spend some time together.  The kids had met as babies but we were happy to see how well they all got along now that they are older.  They came on the HOTTEST weekend of the entire year.  It was hot so we pretty much lived in the water the whole weekend.  Her kids loved Horn Island and caught enough blue crab to feed all of us-if I was the boil crab type of person, which I'm not. 
 Floating in the Gulf.

 More silly time on the boat:)

My sweet friend Sheryl, who has not aged in the almost 20 years I have known her.  It was great to catch up and watch our families have fun together.  We miss you already Adderley Family!

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