Saturday, October 12, 2013

Birthday Blessings

I certainly do not look forward to my birthday as much as my children look forward to theirs...however, they do look forward to mine almost as much as theirs.  So another year older, (37! gasp, sputter, sigh) and it was time to celebrate!  Stephen and I took a glorious morning kayak ride while the kids were all in school.  Glorious might seem like an extravagant word for a kayak ride but I think everything is glorious when I get to do it without my kids.  Kidding.  Sort of.
A picture my friend took earlier in the day of Addison and I celebrating her little friend's 4th birthday.  It was great because Addison and I got to have cake and ice cream twice that day!
I recently heard a mom talking about mom's needing to get in the pictures with their children because we often do not (I am fairly certain it must have been Good Morning America because I get all of my news from Sam, George, Robin and Lara.  Love me some GMA while sipping my coffee).  I am all for that idea...preferably on days that I am showered, hair blown dry, a little make up on and some earrings in.  If I am not in workout clothes, bonus!  So, let's see.  That should mean, by my own rules, that I can hop in a picture with my kids about once a month or so.  

Now don't get excited and write me to say, "See Jenni, look, you are showered again and in a picture." Nope, same day just a few hours later.  I am looking not quite as bright eyed and bushy tailed.  

Opening presents with the kiddos.  They got me all things tennis and monogrammed-they definitely know the way to my heart.

We rounded off the day with dinner and cake, homemade by Stephen and the kids, at Grandpa's (my birthday buddy).  Oh look, another picture.  Same day, few hours later still, and looking even more disheveled.  Oh well, Happy Birthday to me and Grandpa!

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