Friday, February 10, 2012

Magic Kingdom, Day 2

January 26th, Addison's 3rd Birthday!  Lucky little girl got to celebrate at The Magic Kingdom!  Peter Pan was Addison's favorite ride this year.  

Grandma Joan flew to Orlando to join us for the second half of our trip.  Riding It's A Small World together.

I love this, it's Luke on It's a Small World pointing out something amazing.  It looks staged but it's not.  That's the magic...a wonderful memory of my kids around every corner.

About to ride the carousel...again.  Gotta love a man in Mickey ears.  

Yup, she found the Bears again.  "Hi, Bear!  Hi, it's me again.  It's my birthday!"  Addison told them.  So cute.

This time Amelia joined in on the dancing.  Luke helped Daddy video tape.  

Addison dancing again.


Everyone deserves a Diva moment on her birthday. (She's not yawning, she is yelling at me that she doesn't want me to take her picture).  

"Back away from my ice cream big brother."

Addison got to celebrate her birthday with a lunch with the characters from Winnie the Pooh.  She pet Eeyore and said, "It's okay Eeyore, don't be sad."

Happy Birthday to Addison!  She got a birthday card signed by all the characters as well.  Addison had a birthday pin with her name on it that she wore all day.  All the cast members that she walked by would say, "Happy Birthday Addison!"  She looked so shocked that they all knew her name and she would say back to them, "Happy Birthday to you!"



Another Disney trick I like.  When the kids were wearing their Mickey ears (with names embroidered on back) the cast members running the rides would say, "You ready Luke?"  "Hi Amelia!"  It made the kids day and I really don't think they ever figured out how they all knew their names.

More Princesses.  This is when Belle wished Addison a Happy Birthday and Addison said, "Belle, I just want to see Cinderella."

Another favorite memory.  Minnie teaching Addison how to hold her dress out.  Mickey and Minnie spent so much time with the kids, I just love every moment.  

Look at Addison, just like Minnie!!

The whole crew:)

This was so cute.  She kept pointing to Minnie's shoes and telling Mickey he was supposed to be wearing yellow shoes too (he wears yellow shoes in the show).  Poor Mickey.  

1 comment:

Chris and Sonya said...

Sigh, nothing better than Disney! Looks like you guys had a fantastic family trip! Xoxo