Sunday, June 6, 2010

Family Farm Days

The kids got to "get down on the farm" at the annual Farm Days this weekend, here they are with Mckenzie and Hayden.  They learned a lot about different farm life, how sheep are shorn, what farm animals eat, how to compost, all that good farm stuff.  They also learned how local honey is made and tasted a lot of honey, they got to practice milking a cow and earned an ice cream treat for that chore.  We all enjoyed the butter they made by shaking buttermilk in a jar, yummy.
Luke holding a baby chick.  So cute...

Mimi holding the baby chick.  Which of course led to, "Mom, can we get a baby chick?  Please, please."  So I took them to the cage behind the cute baby chicks to show them the big chickens and said, "No cute baby chicks because they turn into loud clucking chickens."  Hmm, quite similar to my adorable, cuddly little babies turning into squawking, loud children.

Speaking of loud is Addison checking out the piglets Amelia and Luke were petting.  Addison thought the baby pigs were pretty funny and was laughing her little head off.

Luke learning how to rope a bull just like the real cowboys.

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