Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Church trip to Horn Island

Our church planned an outing to Horn Island this past weekend and it was a great turnout. I think about 10 families took their boats out and the church also rented one of the Biloxi Schooners to take people out who did not own boats. All the church kids had a great time running around looking for "buried treasure" and collecting anything living in their buckets. I think the crabs were glad to see us all go because the moms made all the kids leave their crustacean friends on the island. The spot we anchored to was pretty shallow, probably only a couple feet deep so the kids could have a lot of area to play. At some point during the day I went on the boat to nurse Addison and let her take a rest in the shade. My friend Kristen came with me and we chatted away. After awhile Kristen said, "Have a we drifted?" I said, "No, I think we are fine." Then I looked around a little bit more and was like, hmm, we seem a lot farther away from the beach. Our anchor had come off the rope! We were off to sea. Lucky Stephen had noticed and was hightailing it out to rescue us. It was a fun little adventure. Don't worry, mom and dad the keys were on the boat, I could have driven the boat if I needed to.

Luke jumping off the boat, always a big hit with the kids.
Amelia "thumbs up" to the fish and crabs the kids caught.

Addison hanging out on the beach.

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