The kids both melted my heart in the last couple of days . . .
Last night Steve was working the night shift so he wasn't home at all. Luke ended up with a bad cold. He was up coughing and sick most of the night. Around 3am, he ended up in my bed. When he wasn't coughing and choking, he was snoring like a sailor because he was so stuffed up. Even though I have a king size bed, Luke was squashed up next to me, I would move him and he would squirm back over within minutes until his body was snug up to me. Needless to say, I did not get much sleep last night but it was worth it. When Luke woke up he leaned over and kissed my cheek and hugged me and said, "You are the best mommy."
A couple days ago Amelia and I had this conversation:
A: Mommy, Daddy's Grandma Kay is in heaven right?
Me: Yup, she is and she watches over us.
A: You have a Grandma K. in heaven too right mom?
Me: Yup, my Grandma K. is Grandma Nancy's mom and she is in heaven too.
Amelia paused for a little while and then
A:I bet they play together in heaven and have lots of fun together.
What a wonderful, sweet thought she has of her Great-Grandma's playing together. It sure made me smile, and tear up.