Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas!


Lots of fun and Christmas memories on Christmas morning :) 

Ellie Boo got to join in on the fun!

Christmas brunch!!  Love this tradition so much!

Then we moved onto the family tree and presents.

Stephen knows me well, I was so excited for this whole case of pickleballs and a ball hopper!

He surprised me with the real present!
Stephen orchestrated and planned for the Number Two Men's Pickleball Player in the World and two of the top women's Pro Pickleball Players to fly here for two separate weekends to play with me and Brad and train us!!!  
His thoughtfulness and creativeness is unmatched.  What an incredible once in a lifetime experience!
I hands down have the best husband on the planet.

Later in the day, he surprised Brad!
We thought we might need to resuscitate him, lol.
He was shocked and overwhelmed with emotion and so grateful to Stephen.  

Lucky us!!

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas Eve during Covid

 We knew this Christmas was going to be different because of Covid restrictions.  We didn't know how different though...two days before Christmas Eve, both of our pastors tested positive as well as a good number of our music ministry.  So although our church had been worshipping in person (with social distancing and masks), the elders decided we could not safely hold Christmas Eve services.  We had already decided we could not safely hold our annual Christmas Eve party in the normal capacity we have done in the past.  We made the decision to limit the guest list to a very small number of family friends and to hold the party entirely outdoors.  Which proved to be extra tricky when we had the COLDEST Christmas Eve since we have lived in Mississippi.  It was windy and in the 40's but we certainly tried to make it as special and as warm as we could, with outdoor heaters and fire pits.  After we found out Christmas Eve worship was not going to happen, we were so sad.  So we decided the church is us...not a building.  So we worshipped at home, with our closest friends and it was beautiful.  Stephen prayed for all of us, Addison read the story of Christ's birth and Amelia and her friends lead us in the music.  Just as we do every year at church on Christmas Eve, we ended with candles and singing Silent Night.  It was certainly different but so special.  

Merry Christmas Eve!

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Advent season

Just like the rest of the year, the time leading up to Christmas looked a lot different this year.  We did not have any Christmas concerts, plays or parties this year due to Covid.  But we did have an unwavering certainty that God was in control and that he sent His Son to be our Savior.

So we kept the traditions we could keep and enjoyed the time together as a family with a lot less hustle and bustle than in years past.

Last day of school before Christmas break:)

We of course still baked all of our gazillions of traditional Christmas cookies and we added some new ones as well.

Love that I can still make this one laugh until tears come down her face.

Amelia and Luke warming up by the fire on a rare chilly night in Mississippi.

The whole family still does all the frosting and decorating together and this year we recruited Brad to help us :)  Addie and Luke helped too but disappeared before the picture, ha!


Sunday, December 6, 2020

Happy Birthday Stephen

Happy Birthday Stephen!
We could not be more blessed than to have this guy to lead us and love us.  
We love you Stephen!


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Puppy picture drop!

Amelia and I often find ourselves twinning these days :) 

Ellie Boo was a big hit while picking out our Christmas tree!


How could I say no to this face?

She sleeps in the funniest positions.

Ellie Boo is the most beautiful, smartest, sweetest dog ever. 
 I am not biased, these are facts.