Friday, November 14, 2014

Spartan Race Kids!

This past weekend Amelia and Luke were quite the little warriors. 
 They decided to compete in the Kids Spartan Race, an adventure race filled with obstacles, mud, water and fire.  

As we arrived and they watched the adults compete both of their faces became a little apprehensive.

We headed over to the kids course to warm up and Amelia's buddy from her Connections class, Whitney, was there so everyone relaxed a little then.

 Ready to race!

And then they were off and running!   The course was a mile and had lots of obstacles to climb over, through and under.  They did a great job sticking with each other  (Luke is in the purple shirt and Amelia in the pink and black). Addison and I were running from obstacle to obstacle to get photos and movies of our competitors.  Addison kept up great and often beat me to our next location- she can't wait to compete next year!

Addison and I were cheering our heads off and both the kids said they could hear us throughout the race.  They finished together in less than 10 minutes and we were so proud of them!  They both LOVED the race and cannot wait to do it again next year!

Way to go Mimi and Luke!!

On the way out of the race, they have some obstacles from the adult course to practice on.  So all of the kiddos gave the rope climb a try.  

Amelia said, "Mom, I know how to do this.  I can make it if I curl it around my foot."
I told her to have at it and off she went.  

As she got higher and higher, a crowd started forming around me and were cheering her on.  It was hysterical watching this tiny little girl shimmy up the rope!  She is so strong though!

Look who rang the bell!!  An 11 year old girl!  She had lots of cheers and congrats from that little feat.

Showered up and ready for bed, but look what they both are still wearing!  Medals and competitor headbands-they were proud of themselves!!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Trick or Treat!

 Happy Halloween!  The kids were very excited for Trick or Treat time and had a beautiful night to gather candy. 
Luke was all about being a Bears football player this year!

Amelia was still in full zombie mode from school and we both decided it would be too much hassle to change her hair and makeup to be anything but a zombie.  And she was freaky looking...

And the most original costume award this year:  
Addison as Elsa from Frozen...along with three gazzilion other little girls.

 Ready to start our party hopping- we had a few parties to hit before it was Trick or Treat time so we met up with the Gordons and headed out.  
JGo and JBo kicking it Halloween style. 
 Stephen said this must have been the Halloween Mommy costume because every single mom at the party had on skinny jeans and a black top and boots.  


Amelia's school has a tradition on Halloween.  The 6th grade Connections students choreograph and act out the Michael Jackson classic, Thriller.  They do the acting, choreographing, set decorations and costume/makeup.  Amelia loved dressing like a zombie with her buddies!

Zombie Amelia!

Amelia dancing during Thriller.

Way to go 6th grade Connections!  Awesome performance!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Fall Festival

Addison celebrated her last Fall Festival at The Children's House.  She was as cute as can be while enjoying the games and the crafts.

Addison and Sarah, love.

My sweet baby is growing up.

Happy Fall Kindergartners!

Addison also had her last soccer game which means TROPHY!!!!