Thursday, February 9, 2012

Magic Kingdom, Day 1

 A great benefit of going to Disney in January is the lack of crowds.  It was wonderful being able to go on rides easily and especially having the characters available, usually without lines.  Addison adored every single Disney character.  She would give them so many hugs and talk to them and tickle them and kiss them.  The whole trip was worth seeing her little smiling face looking up at all those characters.

These are the bears from The Country Bear Jamboree.  Addison fell in love with them and I think they fell in love with her too.  She ran up to them during their parade and would not stop hugging them and dancing with them.  The cast members were laughing that she was so enamored and just let her stay with them.  She kept telling them, "I love you so much!"

One of my favorite Disney moments to date.  

Luke's first time riding Space Mountain!!!  Yay, Luke!  Luke loved it, I on the other hand realized I am getting old.  

Luke's other favorite ride is Pirates of the Caribbean.  He was dressed like Jack Sparrow all day and got lots of attention for that.

We decided to see the Princesses because there was no line.  Well, Luke decided he didn't want to this year...until he walked into the room and saw the beautiful princesses.  Look at his face.  He was completely smitten.  He stared at all the princesses with googly eyes.  

Getting autographs.

More smiles for the princesses.

Love.  Addison was singing to Cinderella, "Cinderelli, Cinderelli!"

I just love how the princesses stay in character and take so much time to talk to the kids.  It is just such a magical place.

Click on this picture so you can see it bigger.  Addison couldn't believe she was seeing Mickey Mouse.

I love this picture because it expresses how everyone feels after 10 hours in a Disney park.  Yes, I think my almost three year old is flipping me off on the way to the monorail.

1 comment:

Chris and Sonya said...

Ahhh. A family that loves Disney as much as we do! Love it!