Friday, February 10, 2012


Day 3 brought us to Epcot.  

Luke decided against seeing the Mickey crew again so he went with Daddy to get Fast Passes for Soaring.  Soaring is a ride we all really love at Epcot, you feel as if you are flying over canyons, oceans, etc.  

Tickling Goofy under the chin.

Addison loved the Nemo ride, thankfully the big two still love "little kid" rides too.

In front of the Epcot "worlds."  

This is one of the cats from Aristocats.  Addison hung out with her and played because there was nobody there at Epcot.  I swear we could have gone out to lunch and left the cat to babysit Addison, they were having so much fun together.

Daddy's favorite Princess Belle.

We ate lunch in Germany at the Biergarten restaurant to pay homage to my German heritage.  Luke and I singing a German toast, "Oy Oy Oy!"

I didn't ask for my picture with Mickey but I did ask for my picture with my hunky German waiter.  Yes, I am smiling like a fool.  Unfortunately, my husband speaks German so I think he may have told the waiter I thought he was a hunk of German love.  Guten Tag indeed.

Traditional German music and instruments.  What a good daddy out there dancing with his girls.  

I remember fondly these "jumping" fountains when I was a child and the kids were having so much fun with them too.  Look at this direct hit on Addison's head!!!

The "after" picture...she was actually laughing but this is what a good little actress she is, hamming it up for the photo.  

Yes, more Minnie and Goofy.  How could we say no??

Dinner with Chip and Dale and Farmer Mickey.

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