Saturday, March 9, 2013

Everyday busyness...

I realize the blog content has been a little sparse and rather boring as of late.  Sorry about that.  Although, really, that is like apologizing that our life has been a little boring as of late.  Sometimes, I feel like I have been so busy but I couldn't tell you with what.  The days keep chugging along as I wonder where another day went.  As I typed my title today, "Everyday busyness..." I misspelled "busyness" as "business."  Although really, that is my job, my everyday busyness is my everyday business.  And sometimes, that job, just entails keeping everyone alive and on course for another day.  So, my busyness as of late has been...
1.Figuring out this little one's whole body rash.  Tried to catch a picture of her cheeks being flaming red but it didn't quite show up.  Five days of all over rash and not one other symptom (no fever, itching, running nose, nothing).  Addison kept asking  me, "Am I going to be pink forever?"  Secretly, I think she might have been hoping I answered yes.

2. Keeping Sadie off the furniture.  We have had the dogs for years now, I think..has it been that long?  I don't know, whatever.  But recently, Sadie hops up on all of my furniture to sleep as soon as I leave the room.  She is so sleuth about it that I will often walk by her many times and not even notice her.  This picture I took while at my computer.  See her just look at me, she looks a little guilty but not worried at all that I caught her.  She didn't even jump off when I caught her.  She just waited, hoping I had changed my stance on no dogs on the furniture.  I HAVE NOT!

3.  Putting out fires.  This thankfully, has not been literal yet but someday I expect it will be.  But figuratively, I like most parents, feel that is what I do all day.  "FREEZE, don't run in the street!" "FREEZE! Don't step in the glass" "FREEZE! Don't jump off of there!" The following words actually came out of my mouth at church dinner last week, "That's fine boys, you can have fun but that cannot involve choking each other."  So putting out fires, that's what I've been doing.  Along with pick up kids, drop off kids, throw in laundry, unload dishwasher, make beds, clean up house, dogs, kids and REPEAT, REPEAT, REPEAT!!

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