Sunday, October 4, 2009

Finally breathing

Fall finally hit Mississippi and we feel relieved we made it through another summer. It is so nice to be able to step outside and be able to breathe again. We have had some beautiful days and cool nights. Friday night we took advantage of the nice weather and took the kids to Al Fresco, an Italian restaurant downtown. We eat outside so it is a nice atmosphere for the children and Addison Kate loved watching the people walk by.
Can you see her two teeth poking through?

After we ate we decided to walk down by the beach to watch the sunset. Everyone was in a good mood so we stayed and played in the sand and on the boardwalk.
Amelia and Luke climbing on the boardwalk.

She is too cute for words sometimes. This dress, by the way, is a dress I wore when I was a baby. See mom, I do save things!

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