Sunday, January 26, 2020

Happy 11th Birthday Addison Kate!

This little pip squeak has turned 11 years old!
And the day was all about celebrating Addison :)

She chose The Sugar Factory for her birthday dinner and really what is not to like?
Rainbow colored slider cheeseburgers, malts as big as your head, smoking drinks with 42 gummies inside?  Every kid's dream.

Ready to celebrate the littlest Bosko.

Then it was time to head home for presents!

Addison has become obsessed with Garfield which is funny because I was also obsessed with Garfield when I was 11 :) 

This expert level Lego set took Addison a long time but she nailed it, and it is pretty awesome.

New scooter attachment for her hover board!

When Addison had her birthday party she requested her friends bring donations for the Jackson County Animal shelter instead of presents for herself.  This was the amount of food, toys, and treats she collected to donate.

Addison loved playing with all the cats and dogs needing a forever home.  Thankfully, Stephen and I both accompanied her to the shelter so ours was not that forever home.  It was hard to leave all those kitties and doggies needing a home but we are proud of Addison's sweet and generous heart to donate to those animals. 
Happy Birthday Addison Kate!  We love you so much and know you are going to do big things in this world!

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Addison's 11th Birthday Party!

Well, baby girl is 11.  Gulp. HOW. IS. THAT. POSSIBLE.
Addison wanted a pool party this year, in we had it at the indoor waterpark.
Here she is ready to party with her two favorite boys, Ashton and Easton!

This whole picture makes me laugh.  
So, she's my third kid.  I have planned, decorated and organized 40 different birthday parties since I started having kids!  FORTY!
So, I'm tired.  And out of ideas.  And over spending exorbitant amounts of money on kid birthday parties. So, here we are, with the one sad decoration on the wall and the one plastic tablecloth on the table when I needed three to cover it.  And Walmart cupcakes and you know what, Addison loved every minute of it and her friend's are sweet enough to not care a bit.  They swam and had a grand ole time.  And all I could do was laugh at my pathetic party room that looked like a prison cafeteria. 

Cupcakes and Pizza, the birthday party menu of champions.

Super fun, super easy, it was a great day!
Happy Birthday Addison Kate!

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

National Honor Society Induction

Amelia recently got inducted into the National Honor Society.
Of course we are super proud of her academic accomplishments but even more proud of the amazing, Christian young woman she has become.

Proud daddy :) 

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Luke's 8th Grade Winter Formal

The sweetness of Luke and Emma Kate, so cute all dressed up for 8th grade Winter Formal.
The boys...

Luke's very best buds.

Luke and Michael.

Luke and Landon

Neighborhood buddies, Luke, Parker and Michael!

Looking pretty sharp!

The whole crew!

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Surprise visits!

We got the best surprise visit from one of my favorite people on the planet, Julie Bonds.
I babysat for Tom and Julie's four kids while I attended Valparaiso University in Indiana.
Their marriage and family made a big impression on Stephen and I at a young age and we thankfully have stayed in contact through all of these years.  The older two daughters have now married and started their own families and have visited us here in Mississippi and us them in Nashville.

Julie and Tom now live in Washington but she was down on the coast for her youngest son's college bowl game!  So she called and told me she was driving to my house!  
What a great surprise and visit to start our New Year!

Love Julie and all the support and encouragement she has given me through the years.