We have another HUGE Harry Potter fan with Addison, so she chose to dress up like Hermione Granger.
Practicing her levitating spell by levitating the pumpkin (with a little help from her big brother).
Luke wanted to be a hot dog.
I do not know why.
Pre-trick or treating party with the neighbors :)
About to head out with all the neighborhood kids to get some CANDY!!!
This is how our kids trick or treat!
Riding in golf carts and ATV's around the neighborhood!
Man, I remember running for miles and miles and miles when I was little to get all the candy I could in those three hours.
Parker as the cutest Where's Waldo and Luke...as a hot dog.
Addison and Alden riding in style from house to house.
(Amelia was hanging out with other high schoolers at a friend's house)
Happy Halloween!