Thursday, September 29, 2011


Go Greyhounds!  Here are the kids all lined up waiting for the Homecoming parade to begin.

Addison has this parade thing down pat...sucker-check, beads-check.

Dancing and yelling for some throws.  Addison was funny this year, she learned from the big kids so she dances around and girlie squeals, "Wooooo Hooooo!"

Amelia and Mckenzie even went to the Homecoming game!  Greyhounds win :)

I had my own little cheer section at my tennis match the other night.  So cute, thanks Daddy for bringing them to cheer me on.  The other teams were all impressed by their cuteness too so I asked them to take it easy on me so I could look good in front of my kids.  

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dog Days

Our dogs, still sounds funny to me, our dogs.  Sadie and Wrigley have been such a fun addition to our house and they really fit right in.  They have learned to live with the chaos that is our life and have gotten used to our routine, or lack of one as the case may be.  I think Sadie is getting cuter but maybe I am just biased.  She has gained about 4 pounds since we brought her home so she is not looking quite so sad now.  She is still such a snuggler and will roll over to be pet if you even say her name but she is also so much livelier than when we brought her home.  She will play fetch ALL DAY LONG and won't let Wrigley even stand a chance to get a toy.  

Little Wrigley.  Such a cutie.  These dogs are so spoiled.  First I said I would never get dogs, now I have two.  I also said the dogs would never be allowed on the couch, see below.   Stephen and I have pretty much followed the rule of presents/surprises for the kids only on their birthdays and Christmas; apparently the same rules don't apply to the dogs.  Every time mommy and the kids go to the store, the dogs get a new toy.  Stephen is just as bad.  He bought some fru fru organic, no filler, gazillion dollar dog food for the dogs.  Whatever happened to Ole Roy?  I mean geesh, we don't even buy organic for the kids.  

So sweet, mommy and baby cuddling up on the couch.

I just wish these dogs could get comfortable and relax a little.
Alright, enough of the dogs.  I will take more pictures of the kids and post them soon.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Lion King 3D

Luke had his 6th birthday party at the movie theatre to watch Lion King 3D!  Here he is with all his buddies to celebrate.  The party was a big hit, all the cake, popcorn and soda they could eat/drink.

Cutie Luke slurping as much soda as his little body could hold.  Due to all the soda drinking, we did take all the kids to the bathroom before the movie started.  I definitely got the better end of the deal only having to take the three older girls.  Stephen got stuck with 7 boys ranging in age from 4-7.  Yikes!  Despite the pre-movie bathroom break, we still took quite a few potty breaks during the movie.

Luke's New Orlean Saints cake.  

Luke and his boys.

So VIP.  The movie theatre had roped off the entire first row for Luke's party so the kids felt pretty important to walk up to their seats and see their own personal movie food tray.  Lots more soda, popcorn and candy!  The kids were super well behaved and it was fun to watch them reach out and try to grab the 3D effects.  Happy 6th Birthday Party day Luke:)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I want to stop time.

This little girl is looking so big now I can barely stand it.  I wish I could freeze time and have the kids stay the ages they are forever. 

Trying to wink.  I think she looks like my sister Traci when Traci was a toddler.

I told Addison to "look sweet."

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Friday Night Lights

Our tennis club had a fun "Friday Night Lights" event this weekend.  Tennis fun, pizza, games...we are there!

The kids, all geared up and ready to play.  Addison was quite the hit that night with her adorable tennis outfit and itty bitty racquet.  She would loudly tell everyone that said hello to her, " I want to play tennis!"

Luke and mommy getting some practice time in.

My littlest tennis star. 

The kids were so excited to stay up late and play under the lights.  It was a beautiful night with lots of family fun, our favorite.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Luke Turns Six!!!!!!

It has been six years since I met this wonderful little man.  Although he doesn't sit on my lap sucking his thumb and holding my hair like he used to, he still gives mommy lots of hugs and smooches.  I don't think I will allow him to grow out of that.  That Lukey smile still wins over his mommy.

This birthday present opening session was just as exciting for Daddy as it was for Luke.  Star Wars, Iron Man, Super Heroes and Pirates galore.  Luke and daddy have been having lots of fun and keeping very busy playing with all the new 6 year old boy toys or I guess 34 year old boy toys too.  

It was also time for Luke's last birthday celebration at the Children's House.  Sniff, sniff,sniff.  I love that school and those teachers.  Luke showing how much he has grown since he wore his first Cubbies outfit.

Luke showing his class pictures from when he was 3 years old when he became a big brother.

Cutest. boy. ever.

Amelia and Addison were included in Luke's big day at his school.

We love you little man.  Happy 6th birthday Luke!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A bicycle built for three?

Oh the things we do for our kids.  These girls schemed up a plan and actually got us parents on board.  Hayden and Mckenzie have been seeing Amelia ride her bike to school and thought it looked like a fun idea.  So the girls figured if they all had a sleepover at our house then they could all ride bikes to school from our house in the morning.  A sleepover, on a school night??   Well, we went for it.  Here they are off to school bright and early.  Steve led the way and he said they did not stop giggling and smiling the whole way. 

Can't bike to school without a stop at TatoNut first right?  Need some donut fuel.  

Awesome Daddy.  Here is Stephen with all of the backpacks so that the little girls could ride to school unburdened.  They thought the whole deal was so cool and we told them we could make it a once a year tradition.  I hope their backpacks don't get any heavier.

After dinner walk with the doggies.  What?  Do you not walk your dog in a tutu and crocs? Hmm, that's how we roll here in the Boskovich house.  Even a ballerina gets tired though and needs a lift home.