Sunday, September 19, 2010

Grandpa Steve visits for some important dates!

The kids were super excited to have Grandpa Steve come for another visit.  Amelia had Grandparent day at school and she was so happy to have Grandpa come all the way from Tulsa for her special day.  She got to show Grandpa her classroom, sing some special songs for him, present him with some poems and pictures and best of all have punch and treats with him.  
In honor of it being a Tuesday afternoon, we decided to celebrate by going out to Horn Island:)    It was a beautiful, calm day and we had the whole island to ourselves.  

Father and son relaxing in the Gulf waters.  This is after we finally got Grandpa to stop trying to catch the blue crabs, we will bring a net next time, we promise Grandpa!
When we were leaving the island in the evening we got a special treat.  Six dolphins decided to play around our boat.  They were splashing and whacking their tails for us. The more we squealed and clapped in delight, the more they showed off for us.  

Look how close he is slapping his tail for us.  We could have reached out and touched them.  I know I talk about the dolphins a lot but it always amazes and delights me.  Dolphins are just so beautiful to watch up close.  

Luke also got to have Grandpa at his school for a very special day.  Luke's birthday celebration was held  also while Grandpa Steve was visiting.  Birthday celebration's are such a special time at Luke's school and the children look forward to their day, all year long.  Each year of the child's life is honored by pictures and stories about that time period and each year is marked by a song about the earth going around the sun (the children walk a globe around the sun, a candle, during the song).  Anyhow, it is always emotional for parents and teachers and exciting for the children.  Here Ms. Rhonda is holding up Luke's very fist Cubbies outfit.

Here is Luke at one year old and the children said, "Now that looks like the Luke we know."  His newborn picture got some laughs because they didn't think it looked like Lukey at all.

Luke got five hip hip hoorays for turning five!

Grandpa Steve and Luke enjoying some snuggles on the playground.

Daddy and Mommy with the special boy.

A tradition for birthday celebrations is for the child to bring a book as a present to the school.  This year Luke chose his very favorite book, "Charlie's Super Hero Underpants."  Daddy even volunteered to read it to the class after a little pleading by Luke.  

Handsome boy Luke.
More visiting with Grandpa, eating a yummy dinner outside.
Amelia loved going for a ride with Grandpa in his cool car.

Luke thought the car was "awesome."  I guess it's just a teensy bit cooler than our Kia minivan.

Grandpa Steve and I also share a birthday in October so we went ahead and did a little birthday celebration for the two of us.  It was a great week, filled with lots of fun times.  We even snuck in a few more things, like the Homecoming parade, tennis lessons and the Homecoming game, which we won: Go Greyhounds!

Geaux Saints!

Go Saints!  We were all excited for NFL kickoff and the first Saints game.  The kids wore their Saints gear to school and got to stay up late for kickoff.  It is always fun when the Saints win but even better when the Saints beat the Vikings and Brett Favre.  The kids shout "Who Dat!" and sing "When the Saints go marching in!" during the game.  I love football season!  (Yes, Steve and I still are Bears and Packers fans respectively but I think our kids have whole heartedly become Saints fans).  

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bye Bye Glasses and Contacts!

I know, I know, I shouldn't post such gorgeous pictures of myself.  I took this on my Iphone right before my surgery, already doped up on Valium and then I went ahead and posted it on Facebook.  Never a good idea to post things on Facebook while doped up on anything I suppose.  My friends sure enjoyed my posting though.  After wearing glasses for  25 years and contacts for 21 years, I finally had enough!  Bye bye prescriptions, hello Lasek eye surgery.  My surgery went great, I am one week out and well, I can't quite see clearly yet but I am getting there!  The surgery  I chose has a longer recovery period (not instant gratification) but it is a little safer and supposed to last longer.  So although I am still blurry, I am less blurry than before!  Each day things are becoming more clear and to be able to see the alarm clock when I wake up had been very exciting.  My doctor said everything is healing perfectly and I look forward to seeing everything crisply soon.  And by the way,  I wish I could take a Valium everyday, I think my days would be just so pleasant.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Luke's Birthday trip to Horn Island!

For the second year in a row, Luke spent his birthday on Horn Island.  Not a bad way to celebrate a birthday!  This was the first time we had gone out to the island since May and it was great to see the island still looking beautiful.  We even had dolphins swim along side the boat welcoming us back.  (Okay, that is a little romanticized but I truly love seeing the dolphins).  

All the kids showing off "Hermie Hotel."  The collected about 70 hermit crabs that day.
Singing Happy Birthday to Luke!
All washed up after Horn Island, time for presents!

Make a wish big guy!  The whole family had a great day playing with friends and celebrating an awesome five year old.

Happy 5th Birthday Luke!

Our brand new Luke Michael.

I don't know how five years went by big boy.  You have such a big heart and a caring soul, we love you so much and are so proud of you.  I wish I could slow you down from getting any bigger but at least you are still my best snuggler, even though you still need to grab my hair and suck your thumb during the snuggle.  I know that will fade away someday too, but I'm glad we are not at that day yet, you are still my little boy.  Happy 5th Birthday Luke!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Just cute. And ouch.

Warning, these are some super cute pictures of the kids.  I know I am biased but seriously.  C-U-T-E !

Once in awhile we can still get this love from Amelia and Luke.  Luke is still all for it, Amelia is more reluctant these days to show affection for her brother.
Cute Luke, this was the one pose and then he was done.  No more mom.

All three of my lovies, this picture makes me smile every time I look at it.

Amelia all curled up for school pictures, sorry we didn't order any but you can order this shot!  

Ouch.  Jellyfish-1   Luke-0
Poor Luke, I can still barely look at this.  Last weekend we were playing at East Beach with some friends when all of a sudden the kids ran screaming from the water.  Amelia and Luke and two of their friends were stung by a jellyfish.  Luke took the brunt of it.  Their screams were nearly unbearable, it was scary and horrible but all is healed and well now.  We now know the cure is wet mucky sand to scrape it off and then immediately vinegar to take away the burn and sting.  Of course Dr. Daddy was at work when it happened but he met us at the beach after a very frantic mommy called the ER and said the kids were stung by a stingray!  As he got to the beach I realized my mistake, "Oops, I meant jellyfish."  

That was probably traumatizing just to read, here are some lighter moments of late:
Addison was sleeping in her crib and during the middle of her nap I heard her on her monitor saying, "Hi Elmo! Hi!"  Then nothing, she slept another 1/2 hour.  She must have been having a very vivid dream of Elmo.
Amelia asked me the other day while getting ready for school, "Mom, what is the age of half way to grown up?"  I told her that is tricky because sometimes I don't even feel grown up yet but I told her she still had a lot of little girl left in her.  Also Amelia, as she was getting dressed to go to a birthday party (with mostly boys mind you) yelled to me, "Mom, do I need to wear underwear to this party?"  My answer, "Yes, the answer is always yes to that question.  Always, always, yes!"
Luke was taking FOREVER to eat dinner as is his norm and the family was all waiting to go for a walk.  I already had the food put away, the kitchen cleaned and still Luke sat there, staring at his chicken.  Finally exasperated I told Luke, "Hurry up or we are going to just leave you here."  Luke looked at me calmly and said, "Mom, only a really mean mom would leave their son at home and besides you have a whole bunch of daughters but I am your only son."  Touche!