Friday, January 30, 2009

Sweet Baby Girl

Our sweet Addison Kate on her first few days of life.

I love this one, she looks like a grumpy old lady.

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Trilogy is Complete!!!

Since Jenni is staying overnight at the hospital, I have taken over this blog to show off my our new addition. Addison Kate arrived at 11:31am on January 26th at 7 lbs and 2 oz, officially making her the smallest Bosko baby, but definitely not the quietest. After a 72 hour early labor marathon, it took only one push to mark her arrival. Jenni helped to deliver Addi and mother and baby are both healthy and doing well. She was later received by an excited brother and sister to rave reviews. Both bigger kids are so excited to tell everyone they know that their baby sister has arrived, even the voice on the Sonic drive-thru ordering machine. For those trivia buffs out there, Wrigley Field happens to stand at 1060 W. Addison. Could her arrival be an omen of things to come? Her daddy can only hope so. Oh, and I think there was a Luke in Star Wars? Hmmm, 2 kids named for two of Stephen's favorite things? Coincidence, honestly. Plus Jenni and Amelia were already taken.

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Boskos Strike again

If we keep bowling this much we are going to need personalized bowling balls and our own Boskovich Bowling shirts. We hit the lanes again but this time we brought Daddy. The kids are getting pretty good now, they both "do it all by myself" now. Although, that means pick up the ball, take a running start and chuck it down the lane, clunk goes the ball on the lane. Oh well, it makes it to the pins eventually.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Finally some winter weather

Winter has finally come to Mississippi! We've had some cool weather the last few days with temps in the 40's. It has been great actually, we have been able to wear sweaters, drink hot chocolate and we even had our first fire in our fireplace. Stephen made a great fire the other night and it was one of those nights we couldn't recreate if we tried. All four of us snuggled in front of the fire and the kids told us stories for a whole hour. Stephen and I were cracking up. Luke was very animated, he would put his hands out to his sides and say, "Okay, okay guys this is a really funny one . . ." He would then ramble this whole long made up story about one of his friends but every story he told ended the same. . . "and then the fire ants snapped up his booty butt." He would then throw his head back and laugh hysterically which would get us all laughing all over again. Amelia amazed us because she told us every story my dad ever shared about my sisters and I growing up. She had every detail down and didn't forget a thing. It was such a fun night with no T.V., no fighting and no whining! Hallelujah.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Out with the old and in with the new

Bye good friend, you have been good to us for the last 10 years. Okay, well good to us for about 7 of those years, now you have kind of been a pain in the butt. The day Stephen got home he tried to take the jeep out of the garage where she has been sleeping for the last 6 months and found out she did not have any brakes. Whoops. He got those fixed and then the next day tried to leave for work and she would not start! Grrr, time for a new car.

Welcome our new car, I so do not care about cars but this one runs so I am pretty happy about that. This is a Saturn Aura, it is pretty nice however Stephen is really perturbed that it has hubcaps. That is a huge pet peeve for him I guess, I can't even tell the difference between rims and hubcaps most of the time. He is still mumbling behind me right now, "I hate hubcaps."

Monday, January 5, 2009

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Countdown has begun

Stephen is scheduled to come home tomorrow! The kids and I are beside ourselves with excitement and the day cannot go fast enough. We don't know when or even where yet but we will be ready with our signs and our hugs and kisses.

Off to church and Sunday school and then bowling to pass some of the day away. No, I will not be bowling this time. I don't want to put myself into labor the day before he gets home!